February 28th, 2024 Wednesday
Social time starts at 7:00 pm
Meeting starts at 7:30pm
Location: Anaheim United Methodist Church
1000 State College Blvd
Anaheim, CA
Visitors welcome! Light refreshments will be served.
Steven Hammer has been admiring plant life since he fell in love with a half-hidden scarlet canna at the age of 3. It was passionate and mutual. In 1961, at the age of 10, he moved on to Lithops, Mammillarias and Haworthias; one hopes Miss Canna found more suitable suitors.
In 1978 Steven began to hybridize Conophytums, and for some still-unexplained reason also began writing about succulents instead of composing the Harlequin novels for which he was plainly destined. He’s still at it! In his spare time, he runs the Sphaeroid Institute along with his co-waterer and collaborator Oakes Austin.